Tax day is near upon us and whether you get a refund or write a check, it always tends to be a little stressful... paperwork, complicated forms, math. Blech.
But what if you could get a windfall of fabric? A Fabric Refund! A bountiful, brimming, beautiful box full of Sew Fresh Fabric. Sound tempting? You see, our scrap box runneth over. Again. We're three quilts into our
Scrap Quilting Bee and it's not really making a dent. We need to offload some of this bounty.
So here's the prize:(for US readers) a full Medium Flat Rate box filled with Fabric –
guaranteed enough fabric to make an entire quilt
(for International readers) a full Flat Rate Envelope filled with Fabric (sorry folks, the box price overseas is prohibitive but you'll still probably get enough to make a quilt top.)
Here's what you have to do:• one entry for a comment telling us how you found out about this giveaway (a blog mention, Facebook, newsletter, etc.) or where you've seen our button online
• one entry for signing up for our newsletter (see sidebar)
• one entry for becoming a blog follower
Contest ends Wed. April 20 10 pm ESTNow, keep in mind these are no mere scraps. There are small pieces and large pieces. Fat quarters and any length of fabric shy of 18" landed here. Just to name drop a little... Anna Maria Horner voile, Heather Ross Far Far Away, Lizzy House, Amy Butler, Heather Bailey, Laurie Wisbrun, Sandy Henderson, Denyse Schmidt, solids, Essex linen and more. If it was sold by Sew Fresh, it's fair game.